I unburied this tennis racket I bought on a shopping spree on a road trip I took awhile back and thought it was time to put it to its use. When I buy an item like this I pretty much know what I want to do with it and this proved true with this project.
Essentially the tennis racket serves as a frame. I still need to create a substrate. I decided to use some muslin canvas as the base.
Because of the tennis theme, I searched for tennis terms that might be used. From Wikipedia I learned, "In tennis, 'love' is a term used to describe a score of zero in points, games, or sets." Perfect for this project.
The rhythm of the title comes from the old cliche, "Tennis, anyone?" Where did that phrase come from and who first said it? Again, from Wikipedia, comes this information: "If (Humphrey) Bogart ever did speak the line, it would have presumably been in the 1925 play Hell's Bells, set at the Tanglewood Lodge in New Dauville, Connecticut. Bogart claimed that his line in the play was 'It's forty-love outside. Anyone care to watch?', and that indeed is what is printed in the script. However, according to Darwin Porter, director John Hayden crossed out that line and replaced it with 'Tennis, anyone?' before opening night."
A young Humphrey Bogard
Here is how the collage and painting came out on the substrate.
Then it was time to assemble the project.
Thus we have Love, Anyone? It is 27"H X 12"W X 3"D. It consists of a Wilson Bruce Barnes Famous Player Series Tennis Racket, Muslin Canvas, Chain, Paper and Paint.