Wednesday, December 18, 2019

2019 12 Magic


In the previous post, I walked you through the May, 2019, Shake Rag Alley workshop with Andrea Matus deMeng called Altar Ego.

Here is the second piece to come out of that workshop.

The old drawer that forms the base gets a coat of gesso

The basic elements of the mask

This work was one of three I began with Andrea Matus deMeng

Once I got home from the workshop, I began to really add to my concept of the mask structure. 

Some elements came and went on this project. After much assemblage work and a lot of painting, the piece was finished. 

The element above and the element below were created in a resin workshop I took at the Lynden Sculpture Garden in Brown Deer, WI. 

I really struggled with the "eyes" on this piece. After some creative effort and the night they fell off the mask, I wound up with this color and some feathers. 

And, thus we have Magic. The title comes from the resin niche that was added to the front of the piece. 

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