January 31, 2015 (part deux)
After the critique I need to grab my piece and run to the Roosevelt Hotel. I need to ship it and some of the heavier flea market finds home and get back in time for the afternoon excursion.
The photographers want to go to Metairie Cemetery because Katherine has arranged for The Angel of Grief in the Chapman Hyman’s Mausoleum, always under lock and key, to be open and accessible for us. When we got there the mausoleum was still locked but I shot this view of the Angel through a broken window on the side.
After a little delay, the custodian swung by to open the mausoleum. We all took turns going in side to shoot our opportunities at this classic work.
The next stop on our tour was St. Roch where there is a chapel that preserves the things that people have left in thanks for help from their God.
Tonight it is the first parade of Mardi Gras known as the Krewe de Vieux Parade. Over the years we have decided that it is best to walk up to Frenchman Street to catch the best view.
WARNING: the name of this parade is
or Crude to View. Get it? So don't be complaining about the next set of images.
K. D. selfie
Photo by Cris Smith
After the bar we headed over to one of our favorite restaurants in all NOLA: Praline Connection on Frenchman for the best soul food in town.
Sunday, February 1
On Sunday I am on an 11:00 a.m. flight to Atlanta and then a 1:45 p.m. flight to Milwaukee that gets me home at 4:00 p.m. Central.
So another trip to New Orleans with Michael de Meng and Katherine Engen has come to an end. Kudos to Katherine for her wonderful skills at planning this trip and finding the extraordinary in a city filled with extraordinary.
And, thanks as always, to Master, Oh My Master, Michael de Meng for his teaching skills and his unique ability to tie our theme into the culture of the cities we visit. See you all next year in NOLA for Wizard of Odds. I can't wait.
To view all the photos from this trip at once, visit https://www.flickr.com/photos/gniebuhr/sets/72157652252815054/show