Wizard of Odds ArtVenture
New Orleans, LA
January, 2016
Saturday, January 23, 2016
The morning was spent in furious deliberate art making in order to get to the point of the whole workshop: the critique from our fearless leader.
OK, seriously: he does do a wonderful critique of our work. Here are the class efforts:
With all of our thanks to our fearless leader.
Some of us went with Big Mike on a cemetery tour in the afternoon. There is a lot of nonsense about the cemeteries in NOLA that mostly is tied to St. Louis #1 which is in the city and is now a cemetery that requires a guide. We visited some of the other cemeteries which are quiet, peaceful and very deserted. Here are the highlights which starts with our visit to The National Shrine of Saint Roch.
Then it was time to see the big cemetery.
I could be buried here.
This night was the Tapas Farewell Party. Not sure how Bob ate his food.
We all headed over to the Graphite Gallery Opening for some guy named Michael deMeng. This gallery is where the Wizard of Oz influenced pieces were on display.
The gallery had a few other pieces as well by Michael.
The workshop in NOLA is timed so that we can attend the first parade of Mardi Gras called
Don't bring the kids.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Sunday was a free day to roam around NOLA and see what we could see.
Monday, January 25, 2016
So Monday was a day to head home and I was home by 4:00 p.m.
I want to say that these trips to NOLA with Michael deMeng and Katherine Engen LET ME FIND OUT about the city, art and myself. Once again I say, thank you to them and all the participants. See you next year in the big city.