Collaging At My Mom's
In the month of March I spent two weeks with my Mom at her house in Crivitz, WI. For projects, I decided to bring collage items so that I could work at her dining room table. This plan went out the window and it seem best to work in the basement where a potential mess could be avoided.
Only to Herself was Her Soul Revealed
My Mom and I get along well and we had a lot of fun together including doing some junking. As we were walking out of a farmer's barn on one pick, I happened to look back at the last minute and saw this old smoking stand.
Jimmy the Gent inspects my collage substrate
I knew the smoking stand would be easy to take apart and I could get multiple parts for multiple projects. The key here was the base for the ash tray which gave me a nice surface to use as a collage substrate.
In taking classes in collage and assemblage from Andrea Matus deMeng, I was taught to audition my work before I getting started. After feeling comfortable with the collage materials, I turned to painting up the substrate and auditioning the charms.
Let the painting begin.
The title for this project came from the novel With Shuddering Fall by Joyce Carol Oates
...and so we have
Only to Herself was Her Soul Revealed
Don't Ask Me For That Love Again
The second project I worked on was to go on a wood panel. But after my Mommy and I went junkin', I came home with the wall decoration show below.
I decided it made the perfect combination with an iron rest I also picked.
Then I decided why not add this old metal I also found.
The assembling of the assemblage
The collage

The title for this project came from the title of a poem contained in a collection called The Rebel’s Silhouette: Selected Poems by Faiz Ahmed Faiz
...and so we have
Don’t Ask Me for That Love Again
Good to see what you've learned from two wonderful teachers has been made your own. Now what did your mum get up to?