Monday, March 25, 2022
With barely enough time at home to gather my thoughts, Denice and I packed our bags and loaded the van for some more miles. Our destination is Kansas City, MO, to deliver "He Made War Like A Man Anointing Himself" for the 15th Annual "The Figure In Contemporary Art Show" at the Hilliard Gallery in Kansas City, MO, which runs from April 1 - May 25, 2022.
Because we did not get out the door until the afternoon we ended up pulling off the road when we reached Iowa City, IA, as the sun set.
Total miles for the day: 256.
Total miles for the trip: 2091.
Tuesday, March 26, 2022
Tuesday morning we were up and on the road with the goal of getting to Kansas City before 5:00 p.m. As it turned out, we got to the Hilliard Gallery at 2:00 p.m. The gallery director, Bob Swearengin, was there to accept delivery. I did have one little magical moment as I set the piece against a wall in the near empty gallery. I heard Bob sigh behind me and then say, "I really love your work." Yup, that made my day.
Denice and I decided to do a little exploring in the Crossroads Arts District where the gallery is located. Here is the results:
...which was actually true as we were in Missouri. As we were intending to be in Mineral Point, WI, by tomorrow for a Make What Ya Brung gathering at Shake Rag Alley, we head east and north on non-Federal Highways. That night we made it to Quincy, IL, and checked into a hotel there for the night.
Total miles for the day: 310.
Total miles for the trip: 2401.
Wednesday, March 27, 2022
Today we drove on some more backwoods roads with the intention of going rummaging in Cuba City, WI, before getting to Mineral Point.
Foreshadowing: Although I had a sore throat and a little bit of a sniffle, this was the point in the trip where things started to get serious.
I was too tired to rummage (that should have been an indicator of how ill I was right there) so we drove straight to our lodging in Mineral Point. We had plans to eat out with our art buddy Lynn but I did feel like I needed to warn her about how I felt. We ate together anyway (as of the time of this post, Lynn is fine and negative).
That night in our lodging I could not breathe. So at 12:30 a.m., before a predicted snowstorm was to hit Mineral Point, we packed up everything and headed home.
We got home about 3:30 a.m. and our Spring Break came to an abrupt end.
Total miles for the day: 631.
Total miles for the trip: 3032.
Thursday, March 28, 2022
To make this long story short, I was diagnosed with Covid. Denice tested negative and got her second booster to boot.
As of the time of this post, I have virtually no symptoms but will be quarantined until April 7th. I guess the moral of this story is get your shots and the pandemic is not over. Be safe, be healthy and my best thoughts to everyone who has suffered a loss or an illness in these terrible times.