Unfortunately for this blog I seem to have lost my curriculum for the conference. Because they were so cool, some things have stuck with me.
I do remember that on Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. I took a street photography walk with James Maher from New York City.

Photo of James and an example of his great work
James started with a framework of great street artists' efforts via PowerPoint--and then we hit the streets of Chicago. (Please note: because of the tradition of street photography, many of the following images are in black and white--but they look pretty darn good in color as well).

Here are some street photographers practicing their camouflage techniques to blend in
on the streets of Chicago--not. (Photo by Bryan K)

Photo of me stalking images (Photo by Bryan K)
This might be my favorite shot of the photowalk.
I am not always comfortable taking pictures of human beings and it gets real uncomfortable for me if they are complete strangers. This guy was selling a street newspaper to help the homeless and keeping up a rolling comedy routine in front of the art museum. After I snuck a few pictures, I decided to make a donation to the cause and meet the gentleman. He turned out to be a hoot to talk to in person as well and this photo was snapped by Bryan K while I was paying my dues.

This might be my second favorite photo from the walk.
This nice young girl made the fatal mistake of asking who all these photographers were--
and thus became a victim of the shutter button.
Can you believe the street photography luck of getting this shot?
After the photowalk with James Maher was over, I caught up with Bob Crocker and we went for another walkabout Chicago.
Bob Crocker--framed in Chicago.
This couple also made the fatal error of engaging me--
which I used as an excuse to photograph them.
This evening, the Out of Chicago event organized various spots in the city where we could go and meet an instructor to get some tips for good shots.
So, at the end of this day, I felt I was already getting my money's worth out of this conference.
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